Reģistrāciju opcijas

Latvijas kuģniecības vēsture(English)(1),24/25-R

The study course examines the main development stages of the shipping and maritime industry; the main achievements in the field of shipbuilding are described, Latvia's place in the development of shipping in the Baltic Sea region is evaluated. The study course analyses the most important resources in the history of Latvian shipping. The basic questions of the study course are the oldest shipping in the Baltic Sea region, the shipping of Livonia and the Hanseatic Union, the shipbuilding achievements of the Duchy of Courland, the shipping of the period of the Republic of Latvia (1918-1940), the policy of the Soviet regime in the field of shipping, the development of the shipping industry after the restoration of Latvia's national independence. The study course provides theoretical knowledge and the acquisition of practical skills related to the historical development of shipping and ship types, ensures students' understanding of the most important concepts of the maritime transport industry, the regularities of the industry's development. The study course provides insight into conducting research activities, develops students' ability to independently obtain, select and analyse information and use it practically in learning the study course, promotes and develops students' understanding of the development of the maritime transport industry in Latvia. Part-time studies in absentia are organized according to an individually developed study plan.
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