Reģistrāciju opcijas

Biomateriāli kā zāļu piegādes sistēmas(English)(1),24/25-R

Development and studies of new biomaterials merge multidisciplinary approach to science and technologies in the fields of material science, chemistry, chemical technology, cell biology, pharmacology and pharmacokinetics. The study course develops competences required for the assessment of different classes and properties of biomaterials, including the use of biomaterials as targeted and controlled drug delivery systems. The fundamental principles on the development of biomaterials as drug delivery systems will cover all aspects of materials, starting from general ones (metal, ceramic, polymers) but also significant attention will be given to the advanced materials (nanomaterials, biomimetic materials, intelligent functional materials). The study course will highlight the characterization of the material properties and research of the processes within the materials as well as analysis of the materials as potential products for resolving various medical issues.
This study course consists of lectures, laboratory tasks and practical tasks.
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