Jaunrades process: teorija un prakse(English)(L)(1),24/25-P
Students are introduced to the theoretical knowledge of the creative process and the ideas implemented in practice. The issues of developing the creative potential of the personality, development of abilities and talent are brought up. An understanding of individual thinking strategies of art geniuses is formed.
Within the module, the student deeply understands the various aspects of the creativity of artistic processes, is able to create his own ideas about how to see the components of creativity in works of art, acquires an understanding of the artist's personality and the possibilities of increasing his creative potential both theoretically, by getting to know the latest trends in art, and practically creating extraordinary, creative works.
In the module, the process of creating a work of art is learned, from the development of an idea to exhibiting it at an exhibition.
Within the module, the student deeply understands the various aspects of the creativity of artistic processes, is able to create his own ideas about how to see the components of creativity in works of art, acquires an understanding of the artist's personality and the possibilities of increasing his creative potential both theoretically, by getting to know the latest trends in art, and practically creating extraordinary, creative works.
In the module, the process of creating a work of art is learned, from the development of an idea to exhibiting it at an exhibition.